Shala Xh., Acioly C., The Legal and Regulatory Review Report – Kosovo Affordable Housing Market Assessment Project financed by the IFC and commissioned to the IHS-Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Shala Xh., Vertical organization of cadastral services, European Academic Research, Vol. IV, Issue 2/ May 2016, Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF) DRJI Value: 5.9 (B+), ISSN 2286-4822 (
Meha M., Shala Xh., and Kadiri Q., Border between Kosovo and Montenegro According to official documents and international agreements, Agjencia Shtetërore e Arkivave të Kosovës – Vjetar 52, Pristina, 2016
Shala Xh., Self-financing of the cadastral services,European Academic Research, Vol. IV, Issue 2/ May 2016, Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF) DRJI Value: 5.9 (B+), ISSN 2286-4822 (
Shala Xh., The Kosovo Cadastral Agency: An Analysis on Financing Methods,European Academic Research, Vol. IV, Issue 2/ May 2016, Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF) DRJI Value: 5.9 (B+), ISSN 2286-4822 (
Shala Xh., Self-financing of the cadastral services in Kosovo, ICTEA 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 27-29 March 2015;
Meha M., Shala Xh., and Kadiri Q., The Model of Defining the Cadastral Zone and Archiving the data for Terrritory of Kosovo, Agjencia Shtetërore e Arkivave të Kosovës – Vjetar 51, Pristina, 2015
Shala Xh., Law, women and poverty, The World Bank publication, 2014 (ISBN 9-781-4729-0643-4) Washington DC, 2014;
Shala Xh., Ahmedi S., Land consolidation and exchange of destination of the agricultural land, International science conference, Rule of law and democracy, State University of Tetova – Faculty of Law, Tetovo, 2014
Old form of the land regulation, Niels Otto Haldrup, Murat Meha, Xhevdet Shala, Nicolai Anderson, BVVG, Berlin, Germany, 2014;
Shala Xh., Decentralization process of the municipal solid waste, Institute on international politic studies, International conference related to the process of the decentralization in Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2013;
Shala Xh., Legal framework of solid municipal waste, International Conference on public services, State University of Tetovo, ex Republic of Macedonia, 2012;
Shala Xh., Discrimination and property rights in Kosovo from 1990 to 1999 on Kosovo, European University of Tirana, 2012
Shala Xh., Public notary and trade enterprise, Mater thesis, University of Pristina, Faculty of Law, 2010
Shala Xh., Legal framework on agricultural land protection, European University of Tirana, 2011
Shala Xh., Not solved Land consolidation in four municipalities in Kosovo (Klina, Gjakova, Prizren dhe Rahovec), International food conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2007
Shala Xh., Licensing of the public companies on water and bulk water supply, Regional water conference, Tirana, 2005
Shala Xh., Licensing of the public companies on collection, transport and treatment of the solid municipal waste, Tema, Pristine, 2004